
Hey, y'all! I am Jenn.

this is last minute

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

I love getting a new calendar for the year. Every year I order new Erin Condren calendars for both of my girls and me for Christmas. There’s just something about blank pages that’s almost energizing.

A lot of people take the end of a year and beginning of the next to reflect. To plan. I can say that while I do ‘plan an overview’ of the upcoming year, I’ve never been one to get too granular in January.

I have never been one to follow trends or what ‘others’ are doing just for the sake of doing it. Sometimes I do things very differently. Sometimes it’s a why did I do that moment, but more than not - it pays off.

So I encourage you to step outside your box this year. Stick with what’s working for you, but consider new strategies as well. We all know nothing lasts (or works the same way!) forever. We have to be ever-evolving.

Here is what I know

This year I’ve done more reflecting than in years past. Maybe it's because I have just wanted to slow down. The last few months feel like they flew by and a whole lot of life happened in the midst of those days.

I always want to do things well.

I want to serve my clients well, I want to serve the vendors of Top Picks well.

And from day 1 of purchasing it, I've have wanted Top Picks to be more than just a Facebook group where you post 3 times a week.

Facebook group communities are a dime-a-dozen. I want Top Picks to offer, not necessarily better perks, but different perks. It’s a fantastic community, but stay tuned—it’s only going to get better.

3 Things I Learned in 2023

  • Giveaways are not very profitable in (late) November and December. People aren’t online in the same way they are in the Spring. Or even in July and August. Giveaways from vendors and a couple that Top Picks sponsored didn't produce like other times of the year. The 12 Days of Christmas? It was pretty decent compared to the others. But entries were low pretty much across the board, and I still have a few winners I'm chasing down. Craziness.
  • Sponsored emails can do more damage than good to your email list. I didn't learn this in 2023, per se. But 2023 reinforced it. If you offer sponsored emails, I encourage you to compare those stats with your nurture and sales emails. Chances are there's a difference. Weigh the pros and cons before you offer (too many).
  • TikTok is where it’s at. I know this is a controversial statement, but stick with me. Just as with any ‘newer’ platform - things are going to be good in the beginning. Four years in, I promise it’s still at the beginning.

    TikTok Shop currently only allows for physical products and they offer the ability of incorporating an affiliate program within the TikTok Shop (and they automatically pay your affiliates. Hallelujah.)

    Are influencers really making bank on TikTok? Yep. And they’re making only a small % of the total sales. Think on that.

    Here’s an example:
    A small business offers one tangible product. An influencer purchased it, loved it, and contacted the company asking about an affiliate program. They didn’t have one, but he immediately said yes. They agreed on a commission rate. Two videos and less than a week later, the company sold out of inventory (almost 4,000 pieces!). And the influencer made 7 grand.

    And yes, that’s a true story.

    Again, TikTok is currently where it’s at, my friend.

This is Last Minute

Interested in learning about using TikTik in your homeschool marketing? I’m hosting a workshop TOMORROW, January 17 at 3PM CST, where Erica Johns (a TT expert), will be teaching #allthethings TikTok.

Come and learn. It’s a free event. You’re not committing to to diving into TikTok. You’re simply committing to educating yourself about various marketing techniques and strategies in 2024.

Technology willing, a replay will be sent.

Did you learn anything from 2023? Hit reply and tell me; I’d love to know.


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Hey, y'all! I am Jenn.

Marketing strategist. Connector of homeschool brands + homeschool families. Entrepreneur for 25+ years. Owner of ALL the #parenting t-shirts. 💙💖💖💙💙 Southern accent included. 💃🏼

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